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About Biomedica

The Biomedica Foundation, a cooperative of universities and research institutions from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, is the initiator behind the workshop "Biomedica on the Move". 


From 2007 onwards, the Foundation organized Biomedica, THE Euregional LifeSciences summit, as the first Euregional conference on Lifesciences and Medical Technology. Biomedica started as a joint venture of three existing conferences in Liège, Aachen and Maastricht. Due to the increased intensity of collaboration between Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands, the initiators decided to combine the three conferences in one. The initiators were the networking organizations: LifetecZONe, MedLife (former LifeTecAachen-Juelich), Lifetec Limburg and BioLiège.


The challenge was to create a conference that was the combination of the three existing conferences AND with an unique profile. The unique profile was found in the collaboration between business and sciences. This is a profile, what scares other conferences away: because the target group is really diverse. However: the believe that research should create knowledge that must result in market products kept the vision alive. Biomedica started with 500 visitors and participants, and grew out to 1000 visitors and participants in the last years.


Biomedica is supported by the following Universities: University of Eindhoven, Maastricht University, University of Hasselt, University of Liège, University of Leuven.

The Euregional Networking Organisations


Steering group


Prof. dr. Jan Cobbenhagen

CEO Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus

Dhr. Cobbenhagen heeft ruime ervaring op het snijvlak van wetenschap en ondernemerschap. Sinds 2015 is hij hoogleraar ‘Knowledge Transfer and University Venturing’; daarvoor was hij acht jaar hoogleraar ‘Ondernemerschap’.  Daarnaast is hij directeur van het Knowledge Transfer Office van UM/MUMC+ en CEO van UniVenture b.v., het corporate venture bedrijf van de UM. Overige functies zijn onder meer voorzitter adviescommissie “VroegeFaseFinanciering” (RVO) en Vice voorzitter van de Board of Directors van 中荷丝路生物医疗股权投资基金管理(成都)有限公司 (Sino-Dutch Private Equity Management ltd.). Jan is bedrijfseconoom. 


Prof. Dr. Stefan Jockenhoevel

Director RWTH Aachen and AMIBM

Prof. Dr. Stefan Jockenhoevel is the Director of the Dept. of Biohybrid & Medical Textiles (BioTex) at the RWTH Aachen University and Director of the Aachen-Maastricht-Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) a unique cooperation between the Maastricht University, RWTH Aachen University & the Fraunhofer Institute IME located on the Brightland Chemelot Campus in Geleen. Prof. Jockenhoevel is associate member of the DWI Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials, Aachen and Deputy Chairman of MedLife e.V.


Ir. Isabelle Rausin

Senior Manager International Project Development - Interface Entreprises - University of Liege

Isabelle Rausin is a Bioengineer. She has a 20 year background experience successively in Technology Transfer, Business Development and International Project Development. She was the vice-chair of BioLiège. She is involved in several cross-border projects (i.e. in the field of Imaging technologies). She set up or co-organised several events in the field of Life Sciences and Agri-Food such as the Bioforum and the Foodnexus Start-up Challenge. She coordinated the global applications of the last ERDF funding for the University of Liège and has a strong focus on Biobased Industries, circular economy and sustainable development.  

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Ms. Ria Hein

Program Manager Lifesciences and Medical Technology, Brabant Development Agency

Ria Hein is working as Program manager Lifesciences and Medical Technology at Brabant Development Agency in North-Brabant/The Netherlands. As chair of the board of LifetecZONe she is member of the Biomedica board. Ria Hein has been working for a vast number of years in the business development field and has an impressive network in Lifetec in the Euregion. Ria Hein worked on several projects, amongst them is the initiation of Pivot Park, several Interreg projects, field labs, creation of new product-manufacturing clusters, and helped companies to grow. 


Mr. Piet Stinissen

Board Member of BioVille and Happy Aging

Piet Stinissen is a Professor of Immunology and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences at Hasselt University. His research work has been focused on the mechanisms involved in autoimmunity (multiple sclerosis). He is founding chairman of the MS-Network Limburg and chairman of the Limburg Clinical Research Center (, a research collaboration between UHasselt and the teaching hospitals ZOL (Genk, B) and Jessa (Hasselt, B). He is board member of the life siences incubator BioVille (LSDC NV) and cofounder and board member of Happy Aging, an organisation that supports healthcare innovation (

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